IT Security
Dolphin Computers offers a full suite of enterprise security management solutions that fortify their security posture, improve their readiness, and safeguard their digital assets.
The complexity of modern enterprise IT and the environment in which it operates demand advanced technologies, robust measures, and security experts to manage the risks. The rapid growth in digital technology has introduced myriad data touch points in every organization – small, medium, or large. Without a coherent threat management strategy, enterprises run the risk of losing their precious data, compromise user-experience, or worse, be held hostage by malicious individuals or groups. With 18+ years of experience protecting businesses in and around Delhi NCR, Dolphin Computers brings a sharp focus to your IT security strategy and protects your IT against the current as well as future threats.
Security Posture Analysis
We offer a thorough and in-depth assessment of the current security posture, identify the most glaring vulnerabilities in the existing IT infrastructure, and provide reports on the threat levels to your corporate data. Periodic security assessmentsallow you to track the progress of yourIT’s defense against enterprise threats.

Security Framework Development
After performing an extensive analysis of your current cyber security posture and consolidating your IT infrastructure, Dolphin Computers develops a comprehensive security strategy keeping in mind the specific requirements of your organization and end-point users. This will protect your organization from a broad set of external threats in an increasingly dynamic and evolving IT landscape, including DDoS Attacks, malware, vulnerabilities in your software assets, ransomware, worms, SQL injection attacks, and more.
A rock-solid foundation of superior access management control, managed firewall services, real-time monitoring, and so on, actively plug the internal security threats and bring cutting-edge incident response management capabilities to your business.
The Dolphin Computers Difference
Real-time threat detection, mitigation, and management services
Periodic and comprehensive security audits and testing for in-depth risk assessment
Security Framework development that addresses your enterprise’s needs cost-effectively
Enterprise software updates manager to implement security updates as they are released
Industry insights and advisory on computer security product purchases
Layered defenses across the enterprise network to manage the security-usability trade off
Enterprise mobility management solutions for data protection and to prevent unauthorized access from stolen or lost BYODs
Employee training to prevent social engineering attacks
Advanced penetration testing services
Dolphin Computers offers managed security services that enhance security, protect data & networks, and reduce costs. We fortify your enterprise IT security posture and make your organization and employees unattractive targets for sophisticated cyber-attacks.
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